Thursday, May 22, 2008

PROSTHETIC CUNT - Fuckin' Your Daughter with a Frozen Vomit Fuck Stick (2003)

PROSTHETIC CUNT set a standard that others will have to wait millenniums before even attempting to match on their debut invasion, the ominously-titled Fucking Your Daughter With A Frozen Vomit Fuck Stick. PxCx rip, tear and annihilate those (un)fortunate enough to cross their streaking path, assailing the universe with insanely futuristic gore-grind. Faster, heavier and more extreme than anything the cosmos has known previously, PROSTHETIC CUNT simply scratch the (planet's) surface, giving Earthlings a mere taste of the duo's otherworldly energy and power. No one is safe as photon blast beats, bizarre, twisted riffage and out-of-this-world swirling vocular assaults combine to stun and neutralize attempted listeners while the protagonists, KOM-2 and LSC-25 abduct and abuse the planet's most coveted. Amusing samples provide much needed buffers for the uninitiated, allowing PxCx to infect and control mindsets, paving the way for what is yet to come. 40 Songs!

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